Submersible Motors

Rentzel Energy has the in house machining and fabrication capabilities to repair or manufacture obsolete or hard to get parts. Rentzel Energy can repair any brand of motor from complete rewind to thrust bearings and seals. Call us today for all of your motor and pump repairs.
- Availability
- Low Maintenance
- Quiet Operation
- Requires Minimal Space
- Protected Against Dust, Heat, and Vandalism
- Triple Mechanical Seal
- Motors to 1,500 H.P. and 300º F
Our Applications
- Municipal Water Supply
- Mining
- Industrial
- Irrigation
- Recreation
- Deep Well
- Dewatering
- Q from 3 l/s to 900 l/s
50 gpm to 14,000 gpm - H from 10 m to 3,000 m
30 ft. to 10,000 ft.
Repair & Remanufacturing Capabilities
Rentzel Energy is a factory authorized warranty repair facility for:
- Rentzel Energy Submersible Motors
- Sumoto Submersible Motors
- EIM Waste Water Motors
- SAER Electric Motors
Rentzel Energy has the in house machining and fabrication capabilities to repair or manufacture obsolete or hard to get parts. Rentzel Energy can repair any brand of motor from complete rewind to thrust bearings and seals. Call us today for all of your motor and pump repairs.
Inspection and Repair Services
Rentzel Energy provides comprehensive inspection, failure analysis, and repair services for submersible motors in water well, waste water, mine dewatering and offshore applications. Rentzel Energy has the expertise required to repair and remanufacture all brands of submersible motors. An inventory of exchange units is maintained covering popular frame sizes and horsepowers. Call for availability and pricing.
Specialist in Engineering, Sales and Service
- Special voltages upon request.
- Special and custom motors from 50 to 1500 horsepower are available in standard, 316SS, and duplex materials.
- Call for pricing information.
- Contact Rentzel Energy for custom water-filled motors and inverted (end-suction) motors at various voltages.